Local codes require Special Inspections to ensure that a standard of quality is maintained for certain types of work and installation methods. Talavera Engineering provides Special inspection services for an entire variety of structural systems as described below:
Special Inspection for reinforced concrete is required during placing of reinforcing steel, the taking of test specimens, and placing of concrete greater than 2500 psi. Inspection of reinforced concrete greater than 2000 psi. is required within local jurisdictions. Special Inspection is also required for shotcrete placement.
Special Inspections shall be performed in accordance with IBC section 1704.4, Table 1704.4, and section 1707.
Special Inspection for Masonry is required during preparation and taking of any required prisms or test specimens, placing of all masonry units, placement of reinforcement, inspection of grout space immediately prior to closing of clean outs, and during all grouting operations.
Special Inspections shall be performed in accordance with IBC section 1704.5, Tables 1704.5.1 and 1704.5.3, and section 1707.

Special Inspection for Welding is required during welding of any member or connection that is designed to resist loads and forces required by the building code, during welding of reinforcing steel, and during installation and tightening of high-strength bolts per national recognized standards.
Special Inspections shall be performed in accordance with IBC section 1704.3.1, Table 1704.3.
Special Inspections shall be performed in accordance with IBC section 1704.3.2, Table 1704.3 (items 3, 4, and 5).
Post tension foundation inspections include verification of post tension cable placement, concrete pour and cable tensioning.
Special inspection on post-tension systems are performed on 3 stages listed below
1. PRE-SLAB INSPECTION Will address the following items:
- Soil preparation & excavations
- Form Work
- Tendons: size, Length, Sheathing, Placement, End Anchors,
- Clearence, Condition, Stability
- Anchors: Condition, Connection, Clearence, Reinforcement
- Reinforcement Steel: Size, Grade, Placement, Splices, Clearence,
- Condition, Stability
- Anchor Bolts: Size, Grade, Location, Stability
- Embedded Items: Weld Plates, Inserts
- Provisions for concrete placement
- Conditions
- Base Preparation
- Concrete Mix
- Conveying & Placement
- Consolidation
- Curing
- Concrete Tests
- Test results
- Presence
- Condition
- Calibration of Stressing Ram
- Stressing
- Protection of End Anchors

Special Inspection for Epoxy anchor bolting is required in order to confirm the location and proper installation of anchor bolts. When epoxy adhesives are used it may be a requirement stated in the specific product’s ICBO Evaluation Report. Special Inspections are mandatory for the following Epoxy Adhesive uses:
Retrofitting sill plate anchor bolts into existing concrete as required to comply with conventional construction requirements.
Adhering reinforcing steel dowels provided to minimize differential settlement between new and existing foundations.
Adhering holdown anchor bolts used for Shear Wall or Alternate Braced Panel installations.
Special Inspections shall be performed in accordance with IBC section 1704.3.3, Table 1704.3 (items 1 and 2), and section 1707.
Retaining wall inspections verify the conformity of foundation excavations, foundation dimensions, and any steel reinforcements required by project specifications.